

No account description

Created: 11.03.2020 19:00:57

Public keys

Authority type Public key Weight / threshold
MasterVIZ531BHgcrDBpHyipJSDsbgVnT9MoJXzCwjkRavwZW29aowx95cB1 / 1
ActiveVIZ78dsHRgZtUPAp8vQnUnEpFEo4QLNKFZHdx5RFRPdmsywNrEWod1 / 1
RegularVIZ6UD7cCGRrwEnay8DKWE6X4tWSXvdiqQuAZoXbJeCiuaqKzyXHE1 / 1


Capital (viz) Balance Energy (%)
0.00 121.95 100%


Witness: No

Votes for witnesses: None

Operation history

10.04.2020 19:12:45 Delegation revoked from
03.04.2020 17:36:48 26.25 viz received from with memo SAB 04/03/2020
03.04.2020 11:13:09 Rewarding for 19.6% with memo
29.03.2020 17:36:42 27.72 viz received from with memo SAB 03/29/2020
29.03.2020 11:56:30 Rewarding for 17.37% with memo UCcnU11LVa2oL2HttKx8i3HQ 75h4xwL8Qd0 c
29.03.2020 11:56:18 Rewarding for 19.6% with memo UCxNMsc__TEqhUKpDeFCuvfQ 75h4xwL8Qd0 c
29.03.2020 11:53:18 Rewarding for 20% with memo UCQFxUzkFY3UQejmnMf4a6Bg 75h4xwL8Qd0
29.03.2020 11:43:42 Rewarding for 2% with memo UCj_GVKitbj3u47l02mnY25g KJaaepA3ZQg
28.03.2020 17:36:45 16.98 viz received from with memo SAB 03/28/2020
28.03.2020 12:28:24 Rewarding for 20% with memo…
27.03.2020 17:36:45 17.00 viz received from with memo SAB 03/27/2020
27.03.2020 12:06:51 Rewarding for 20% with memo
27.03.2020 09:12:15 Rewarding for 19.8% with memo
27.03.2020 08:40:06 Rewarding for 19.6% with memo
26.03.2020 17:36:45 17.55 viz received from with memo SAB 03/26/2020
26.03.2020 12:50:09 Rewarding for 20% with memo
25.03.2020 17:36:42 16.45 viz received from with memo SAB 03/25/2020
25.03.2020 15:13:57 Rewarding for 10% with memo
24.03.2020 19:03:39 Rewarding for 10% with memo
22.03.2020 18:34:57 Rewarding for 2% with memo UCn9BPZDQtyxlzZEYDnKoWNA kOQD4oarGio
22.03.2020 15:30:42 Rewarding for 2% with memo borodausu 1181277197828415488
22.03.2020 15:29:00 Rewarding for 2% with memo Bybit_Official 1241251995949957120
22.03.2020 15:28:48 Rewarding for 2% with memo Bybit_Official 1207141187498340352
22.03.2020 14:55:51 Rewarding for 2% with memo
22.03.2020 14:51:30 Rewarding for 2% with memo on1x/ru-viz-digital-asset-symbol
22.03.2020 14:51:21 Rewarding for 2% with memo on1x/viz-digital-asset-head-wallpaper-1920x1080
22.03.2020 14:50:57 Rewarding for 2% with memo on1x/viz-digital-asset-tail-wallpaper-1920x1080
22.03.2020 14:50:42 Rewarding for 2% with memo antonkostroma/шоколад-своими-руками
11.03.2020 19:00:57 Created account , delegated 10.00 viz
Русский / English