


Created: 22.10.2018 21:21:00

Received awards: 3.00 viz

Public keys

Authority type Public key Weight / threshold
MasterVIZ8fn2ib7xygcBe64At3ib49rSKJhg2gwRmuawQh2MAzdU8iqG8g1 / 1
ActiveVIZ8fn2ib7xygcBe64At3ib49rSKJhg2gwRmuawQh2MAzdU8iqG8g1 / 1
RegularVIZ8fn2ib7xygcBe64At3ib49rSKJhg2gwRmuawQh2MAzdU8iqG8g1 / 1


Capital (viz) Balance Energy (%)
163.53 128.54 100%


Witness: No

Weight of the vote for a witness: 164 viz

List of votes for witnesses:

Operation history

07.05.2024 10:35:24 0.12 viz received as a reward from
07.05.2024 10:35:24 Received a reward from for 1% with memo telegram:389848350
05.04.2024 05:19:30 0.95 viz received as a reward from
05.04.2024 05:19:30 Received a reward from for 10% with memo telegram:389848350
14.05.2022 21:19:27 Received a reward from for 1% with memo telegram:389848350
25.04.2022 12:55:21 Received a reward from for 1% with memo telegram:389848350
08.03.2022 15:43:45 Received a reward from for 1% with memo telegram:389848350
01.03.2022 00:01:57 0.07 viz received as a reward from
01.03.2022 00:01:57 Received a reward from for 1% with memo telegram:389848350
10.11.2020 18:11:27 3.90 viz received to social capital from
24.08.2020 18:11:06 26.00 viz received from with memo withdraw:21625
24.08.2020 18:04:54 Rewarding for 1% with memo telegram:313611142
24.06.2019 16:59:12 The withdrawal of social capital was stopped
23.06.2019 22:48:48 26.42 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
22.06.2019 22:48:48 26.42 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
21.06.2019 22:48:48 26.42 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
21.06.2019 03:20:27 100.00 viz transfered to
20.06.2019 22:48:48 26.42 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
19.06.2019 22:48:48 26.42 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
18.06.2019 22:48:48 26.42 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
18.06.2019 07:03:27 200.00 viz transfered to
17.06.2019 22:48:48 26.42 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
16.06.2019 22:48:48 26.42 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
15.06.2019 22:48:48 26.42 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
14.06.2019 22:48:48 26.42 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
13.06.2019 22:48:48 26.42 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
12.06.2019 22:48:48 26.42 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
11.06.2019 22:48:48 26.42 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
10.06.2019 22:48:48 26.42 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
10.06.2019 03:48:54 200.00 viz transfered to
10.06.2019 03:46:36 50.00 viz transfered to
09.06.2019 22:48:48 26.42 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
08.06.2019 22:48:48 26.42 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
07.06.2019 22:48:48 26.42 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
06.06.2019 22:48:48 26.42 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
05.06.2019 22:48:48 26.42 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
04.06.2019 22:48:48 26.42 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
03.06.2019 22:48:48 26.42 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
02.06.2019 22:48:48 26.42 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
01.06.2019 22:48:48 A social capital withdraw has been initiated by the 739.67 viz
26.04.2019 02:07:15 0.00 viz received as a reward from
26.04.2019 02:07:15 Received a reward from for 2% with memo tatdt/peterburg-stancziya-metro-chkalovskaya-
26.04.2019 02:07:09 0.00 viz received as a reward from
26.04.2019 02:07:09 Received a reward from for 2% with memo tatdt/peterburg-nikolxskiij-rynok
07.04.2019 12:25:36 0.01 viz received as a reward from
07.04.2019 12:25:36 Received a reward from for 3% with memo Награда за пост: https://golos.io/@tatdt/nachalo-v…
06.03.2019 03:46:30 Rewarding for 2% with memo denis-skripnik/viz-exchange-committee
04.03.2019 06:18:36 1.84 viz received as a reward from
04.03.2019 06:18:36 Received a reward from for 2% with memo REWARD FROM GOLOS BLOG
23.10.2018 21:46:18 Vote for witness
23.10.2018 03:06:36 Public profile updated
22.10.2018 21:21:00 Registration by invite code 5KXduNontBgjAjSvuTur13R3PxEULdh6ByjgJFhVRa6SGhLZ6y3
Русский / English