

No account description

Created: genesis

Public keys

Authority type Public key Weight / threshold
MasterVIZ1111111111111111111111111111111114T1Anm1 / 1
ActiveVIZ1111111111111111111111111111111114T1Anm1 / 1
RegularVIZ1111111111111111111111111111111114T1Anm1 / 1


Capital (viz) Balance Energy (%)
0.00 747.12 100%


Witness: No

Votes for witnesses: None

Operation history

19.01.2022 20:22:06 33.12 viz received from
07.12.2020 01:57:33 714.00 viz received from
12.11.2019 07:12:42 Delegation revoked from
22.05.2019 07:29:33 Updating access rights
22.05.2019 06:45:21 Putting subaccounts on sale for 10 000.00 viz, beneficiary
22.05.2019 06:44:03 Putting subaccounts on sale for 1 000.00 viz, beneficiary
22.05.2019 06:25:09 Updating access rights
22.05.2019 06:24:36 1 007.46 viz transfered to
22.05.2019 06:24:18 1.00 viz delegation received from
11.04.2019 07:12:27 0.00 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
10.04.2019 07:12:27 35.95 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
09.04.2019 07:12:27 35.95 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
08.04.2019 07:12:27 35.95 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
07.04.2019 07:12:27 35.95 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
06.04.2019 07:12:27 35.95 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
05.04.2019 07:12:27 35.95 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
04.04.2019 07:12:27 35.95 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
03.04.2019 07:12:27 35.95 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
02.04.2019 07:12:27 35.95 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
01.04.2019 07:12:27 35.95 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
31.03.2019 07:12:27 35.95 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
30.03.2019 07:12:27 35.95 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
29.03.2019 07:12:27 35.95 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
28.03.2019 07:12:27 35.95 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
27.03.2019 07:12:27 35.95 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
26.03.2019 07:12:27 35.95 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
25.03.2019 07:12:27 35.95 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
24.03.2019 07:12:27 35.95 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
23.03.2019 07:12:27 35.95 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
22.03.2019 07:12:27 35.95 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
21.03.2019 07:12:27 35.95 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
20.03.2019 07:12:27 35.95 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
19.03.2019 07:12:27 35.95 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
18.03.2019 07:12:27 35.95 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
17.03.2019 07:12:27 35.95 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
16.03.2019 07:12:27 35.95 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
15.03.2019 07:12:27 35.95 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
14.03.2019 07:12:27 35.95 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
13.03.2019 07:12:27 A social capital withdraw has been initiated by the 1 000.86 viz
14.01.2019 10:13:27 1.00 viz received to social capital from
14.01.2019 10:08:12 1.00 viz received from
15.10.2018 08:56:12 Cancellation of request №10 in DAO Fund
15.10.2018 08:53:39 Creating a request to the DAO Fund, worker , requested amount 50 000.00 viz, duration 7 days, information
10.10.2018 12:11:30 1 000.00 viz received to social capital from
10.10.2018 12:04:39 1 000.00 viz received from with memo bitshares
29.09.2018 17:19:18 0.00 viz transfered to
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