

No account description

Created: 17.01.2020 18:58:51

Received awards: 1 471.00 viz

Public keys

Authority type Public key Weight / threshold
MasterVIZ6HmrPNTg1Cg1jwZ51VtwmebgQsJPbdmTQEnmPRKnXk3qQkNrYL1 / 1
ActiveVIZ5wbj4hcnh2FHexFUx8tY4jYWf28dxEEz51JjvMpm5tPcFHFBcK1 / 1
RegularVIZ6tvNDNvo8t3rMvWGmGjcq7cBN4m6fyaHT8yxYdYfchs23r2V9L1 / 1


Capital (viz) Balance Energy (%)
4 785.02
+1 200.00
0.01 100%


Account Capital (viz)
+1 200.00


Witness: No

Weight of the vote for a witness: 4 785 viz

List of votes for witnesses:

Operation history

05.05.2024 09:39:15 1.36 viz received to social capital from
29.09.2023 08:21:21 16.18 viz received to social capital from
02.03.2023 09:57:27 Rewarding for 10% with memo telegram:246355800
31.12.2021 18:51:27 2.94 viz received to social capital from
31.12.2021 18:41:27 2.67 viz received to social capital from
31.12.2021 17:51:27 5.33 viz received to social capital from
06.10.2021 20:41:18 1.30 viz received to social capital from
21.08.2021 20:42:27 Rewarding for 10% with memo chat:-1001207353120:86400
25.04.2021 07:13:30 0.36 viz received as a reward from
25.04.2021 07:13:30 Received a reward from for 20% with memo telegram:448800301
25.04.2021 07:13:06 0.36 viz received as a reward from
25.04.2021 07:13:06 Received a reward from for 20% with memo telegram:448800301
25.04.2021 07:12:36 0.36 viz received as a reward from
25.04.2021 07:12:36 Received a reward from for 20% with memo telegram:448800301
25.04.2021 07:12:12 Rewarding for 10% with memo telegram:1234091110
25.04.2021 07:11:36 Rewarding for 50% with memo telegram:1234091110
25.04.2021 07:10:51 0.45 viz received as a reward from
25.04.2021 07:10:51 Received a reward from for 25% with memo telegram:448800301
25.04.2021 07:09:48 Rewarding for 30% with memo telegram:38968897
25.04.2021 07:00:24 6.18 viz received as a reward from
25.04.2021 07:00:24 Received a reward from for 1% with memo telegram:448800301
23.03.2021 11:26:06 0.51 viz received as a reward from
23.03.2021 11:26:06 Received a reward from for 25% with memo telegram:448800301
23.03.2021 11:25:30 0.51 viz received as a reward from
23.03.2021 11:25:30 Received a reward from for 25% with memo telegram:448800301
22.03.2021 17:30:45 Rewarding for 40% with memo telegram:1234091110
22.03.2021 17:29:54 Rewarding for 50% with memo telegram:1234091110
15.03.2021 14:14:42 0.51 viz received as a reward from
15.03.2021 14:14:42 Received a reward from for 25% with memo telegram:448800301
15.03.2021 14:14:06 0.20 viz received as a reward from
15.03.2021 14:14:06 Received a reward from for 10% with memo telegram:448800301
15.03.2021 14:13:45 0.51 viz received as a reward from
15.03.2021 14:13:45 Received a reward from for 25% with memo telegram:448800301
11.03.2021 07:35:57 Rewarding for 50% with memo telegram:1234091110
09.03.2021 20:20:24 Rewarding for 30% with memo telegram:1234091110
08.03.2021 16:21:06 11.81 viz received to social capital from
08.03.2021 16:20:18 0.29 viz received as a reward from
08.03.2021 16:20:18 Received a reward from for 3% with memo telegram:448800301
08.03.2021 15:39:45 Rewarding for 50% with memo telegram:1234091110
06.03.2021 07:01:12 2.19 viz received to social capital from
15.01.2021 19:11:12 1.88 viz received to social capital from
15.01.2021 18:43:51 Rewarding for 80% with memo chat:-484173833:2592000
09.01.2021 17:13:06 Rewarding for 80% with memo chat:-484173833:2592000
09.01.2021 07:41:12 2.12 viz received to social capital from
04.01.2021 12:58:42 Rewarding for 10% with memo telegram:1234091110
04.01.2021 12:54:15 Rewarding for 40% with memo chat:-484173833:864000
02.01.2021 14:41:09 2.17 viz received to social capital from
02.01.2021 14:39:03 Rewarding for 80% with memo chat:-484173833:86400
31.12.2020 19:21:39 3.88 viz received to social capital from
20.10.2020 21:41:09 1.00 viz received to social capital from
29.09.2020 13:41:18 4.17 viz received to social capital from
29.09.2020 11:11:30 7.21 viz received to social capital from
07.09.2020 06:41:12 1.45 viz received to social capital from
06.08.2020 17:15:36 Rewarding for 20% with memo telegram:1234091110
06.08.2020 17:14:57 Rewarding for 25% with memo chat:-484173833:7200
06.08.2020 17:13:33 0.18 viz received as a reward from
06.08.2020 17:13:33 Received a reward from for 50% with memo telegram:448800301
06.08.2020 17:13:15 Rewarding for 50% with memo telegram:1234091110
02.08.2020 22:21:12 17.30 viz received to social capital from
31.07.2020 20:59:06 Rewarding for 30% with memo telegram:1234091110
31.07.2020 20:58:54 Rewarding for 10% with memo chat:-484173833:3600
31.07.2020 20:58:09 Rewarding for 50% with memo telegram:1234091110
25.07.2020 17:11:12 1.14 viz received to social capital from
25.07.2020 17:11:00 1 200.00 viz delegation received from
25.07.2020 17:10:12 0.76 viz received as a reward from
25.07.2020 17:10:12 Received a reward from for 20% with memo telegram:448800301
25.07.2020 17:09:57 1.91 viz received as a reward from
25.07.2020 17:09:57 Received a reward from for 50% with memo telegram:448800301
25.07.2020 17:08:36 Rewarding for 30% with memo telegram:1234091110
25.07.2020 17:08:12 Rewarding for 50% with memo telegram:1234091110
25.07.2020 17:07:00 Rewarding for 2.5% with memo telegram:1234091110
25.07.2020 17:06:33 Rewarding for 2.5% with memo telegram:1234091110
25.07.2020 17:06:15 Rewarding for 10% with memo chat:-484173833:3600
25.07.2020 08:11:39 6.72 viz received to social capital from
25.07.2020 05:51:06 10.91 viz received to social capital from
21.07.2020 21:31:09 2.67 viz received to social capital from
21.07.2020 14:01:12 1.01 viz received to social capital from
21.07.2020 12:11:09 1.56 viz received to social capital from
21.07.2020 07:47:09 Rewarding for 40% with memo chat:-484173833:18000
20.07.2020 08:11:09 1.07 viz received to social capital from
19.07.2020 07:11:18 Received a reward from for 5% with memo telegram:448800301
19.07.2020 07:07:51 Received a reward from for 0.3% with memo telegram:448800301
19.07.2020 07:05:18 0.13 viz received as a reward from
19.07.2020 07:05:18 Received a reward from for 5% with memo telegram:448800301
19.07.2020 07:05:12 0.23 viz received as a reward from
19.07.2020 07:05:12 Received a reward from for 5% with memo telegram:448800301
19.07.2020 06:40:03 5.41 viz received as a reward from
19.07.2020 06:40:03 Received a reward from for 0.6% with memo telegram:448800301
19.07.2020 06:37:00 0.06 viz received as a reward from
19.07.2020 06:37:00 Received a reward from for 3% with memo telegram:448800301
19.07.2020 06:19:18 0.90 viz received as a reward from
19.07.2020 06:19:18 Received a reward from for 0.2% with memo telegram:448800301
19.07.2020 05:45:54 0.04 viz received as a reward from
19.07.2020 05:45:54 Received a reward from for 0.66% with memo telegram:448800301
18.07.2020 21:33:33 1.83 viz received as a reward from
18.07.2020 21:33:33 Received a reward from for 1.5% with memo telegram:448800301
18.07.2020 19:15:15 Rewarding for 15% with memo chat:-484173833:18000
16.07.2020 20:41:12 2.05 viz received to social capital from
16.07.2020 20:36:54 Rewarding for 0.5% with memo telegram:404328408
16.07.2020 20:34:09 Rewarding for 2.5% with memo telegram:426435257
Русский / English