

No account description

Created: 07.07.2021 01:20:09

Public keys

Authority type Public key Weight / threshold
MasterVIZ6o3cBBjwxitVDGvE7F1DLBcW9YJyfLSoBnoDmy1s8QYxWsaxbg1 / 1
ActiveVIZ6o3cBBjwxitVDGvE7F1DLBcW9YJyfLSoBnoDmy1s8QYxWsaxbg1 / 1
RegularVIZ6o3cBBjwxitVDGvE7F1DLBcW9YJyfLSoBnoDmy1s8QYxWsaxbg1 / 1


Capital (viz) Balance Energy (%)
0.00 0.00 100%


Witness: No

Votes for witnesses: None

Operation history

03.09.2021 08:37:33 Delegation revoked from
31.08.2021 14:00:33 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2602659869941206601
30.08.2021 20:40:09 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2615528833566246052
29.08.2021 04:20:33 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2627995704351735877
26.08.2021 12:00:21 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2626452268752476985
19.08.2021 11:00:27 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2631504559916237480
17.08.2021 16:40:45 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2610534296754265429
15.08.2021 21:20:45 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2630166342786973346
14.08.2021 06:20:30 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2625062639381878433
01.08.2021 04:40:42 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2623191828861792646
31.07.2021 20:40:27 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2622901570913090220
30.07.2021 21:20:45 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2625042205722775070
29.07.2021 19:40:42 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2623977808900378027
27.07.2021 04:20:24 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2623432678103430219
25.07.2021 18:00:15 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2613213236828335432
17.07.2021 02:00:18 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2608385124622925273
16.07.2021 01:40:21 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2614220792502596646
14.07.2021 13:20:18 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2601989406269220722
14.07.2021 12:40:18 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2614940213658622374
13.07.2021 02:00:30 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2606927553616737907
12.07.2021 16:20:15 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2613493039762631143
08.07.2021 10:00:42 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2610639564332809899
07.07.2021 01:20:15 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2603998689722826752
07.07.2021 01:20:12 1 000.00 viz delegation received from
07.07.2021 01:20:12 Delegation revoked from
07.07.2021 01:20:09 Created account , delegated 10.00 viz
Русский / English