

No account description

Created: 29.05.2021 10:16:12

Public keys

Authority type Public key Weight / threshold
MasterVIZ753jNrTuZrY7G1j1kH7SGxG8G5S94AxKV45M5zJ567B9dciMdr1 / 1
ActiveVIZ753jNrTuZrY7G1j1kH7SGxG8G5S94AxKV45M5zJ567B9dciMdr1 / 1
RegularVIZ753jNrTuZrY7G1j1kH7SGxG8G5S94AxKV45M5zJ567B9dciMdr1 / 1


Capital (viz) Balance Energy (%)
0.00 0.00 100%


Witness: No

Votes for witnesses: None

Operation history

03.09.2021 08:27:36 Delegation revoked from
26.08.2021 09:00:45 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2599600899695621677
14.08.2021 23:00:27 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2629357388770568938
02.08.2021 04:40:15 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2622948138820629855
31.07.2021 08:40:51 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2618385526930085353
26.07.2021 23:40:48 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2606915987860289302
21.07.2021 06:40:09 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2610572077563135677
20.07.2021 00:20:42 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2614745993009603431
19.07.2021 15:20:36 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2576345924276584183
17.07.2021 17:00:18 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2591405724113753167
17.07.2021 00:00:39 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2611186184872191877
16.07.2021 11:20:27 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2615579483842049241
15.07.2021 14:00:33 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2577759639068595928
13.07.2021 09:00:39 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2609058138299754719
13.07.2021 04:00:21 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2590752036793876266
09.07.2021 10:00:12 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2558904903137668683
09.07.2021 10:00:09 1 000.00 viz delegation received from
29.05.2021 13:00:27 Delegation revoked from
29.05.2021 11:40:39 Rewarding for 40% with memo 2578601395063919325
29.05.2021 10:16:12 Created account , delegated 15.00 viz
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