

No account description

Created: 08.07.2021 14:00:12

Public keys

Authority type Public key Weight / threshold
MasterVIZ6aRrsxMDyQpwAiBhxMYT4b9ePNVG98tPQ11mDrJDcerYMwBjNd1 / 1
ActiveVIZ6aRrsxMDyQpwAiBhxMYT4b9ePNVG98tPQ11mDrJDcerYMwBjNd1 / 1
RegularVIZ6aRrsxMDyQpwAiBhxMYT4b9ePNVG98tPQ11mDrJDcerYMwBjNd1 / 1


Capital (viz) Balance Energy (%)
0.00 0.00 100%


Witness: No

Votes for witnesses: None

Operation history

03.09.2021 08:37:51 Delegation revoked from
31.08.2021 16:40:39 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2631368907591604288
30.08.2021 19:20:33 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2621198860808802984
28.08.2021 00:00:45 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2630072795826710308
26.08.2021 07:40:39 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2630872566409695725
21.08.2021 02:00:30 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2630151926102691935
18.08.2021 16:20:27 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2617639121354583757
17.08.2021 16:00:33 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2609576548465955610
07.08.2021 13:40:45 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2626286395591726835
07.08.2021 11:40:15 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2626409582359267877
06.08.2021 09:20:21 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2625722257191050249
05.08.2021 05:00:39 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2625132799703585790
05.08.2021 02:00:27 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2610251181368336258
02.08.2021 21:20:36 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2617735746193175976
02.08.2021 19:00:48 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2627236368411880755
02.08.2021 13:20:21 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2626426936300126163
31.07.2021 19:00:33 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2615287741541435113
31.07.2021 17:00:18 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2598949003240617449
19.07.2021 22:00:27 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2618169797439114520
19.07.2021 02:40:39 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2596031274720204744
14.07.2021 09:40:03 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2608937588521867377
10.07.2021 13:20:51 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2603812725431846695
08.07.2021 14:00:18 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2582145939347323337
08.07.2021 14:00:15 1 000.00 viz delegation received from
08.07.2021 14:00:15 Delegation revoked from
08.07.2021 14:00:12 Created account , delegated 10.00 viz
Русский / English