

No account description

Created: 20.07.2021 11:00:09

Public keys

Authority type Public key Weight / threshold
MasterVIZ6JRx85nuLfAvAwUg67HEWME1SmN5wbzvB9nhfphoeD8VkZGVME1 / 1
ActiveVIZ6JRx85nuLfAvAwUg67HEWME1SmN5wbzvB9nhfphoeD8VkZGVME1 / 1
RegularVIZ6JRx85nuLfAvAwUg67HEWME1SmN5wbzvB9nhfphoeD8VkZGVME1 / 1


Capital (viz) Balance Energy (%)
0.00 0.00 100%


Witness: No

Votes for witnesses: None

Operation history

03.09.2021 08:39:00 Delegation revoked from
29.08.2021 21:40:48 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2630746581093731956
27.08.2021 03:00:36 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2610517311402817584
22.08.2021 12:00:42 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2626989793936642632
21.08.2021 13:00:12 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2630145560919566337
17.08.2021 06:40:42 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2608146775764178609
16.08.2021 21:00:09 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2608998138570978880
15.08.2021 22:20:45 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2583737214538327846
12.08.2021 22:20:27 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2615992060412476562
12.08.2021 13:20:48 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2622846491934884068
12.08.2021 11:16:36 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2603674859254916981
11.08.2021 21:20:48 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2624836441221504480
11.08.2021 17:00:24 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2612465178675022777
09.08.2021 15:00:51 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2626547564575437013
07.08.2021 11:40:18 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2626409582359267877
05.08.2021 17:20:51 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2600402653972487541
05.08.2021 07:40:42 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2617458538466148274
04.08.2021 11:00:21 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2620400138388232111
01.08.2021 06:40:36 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2626302672291383500
26.07.2021 22:20:42 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2620546721746340346
24.07.2021 18:20:48 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2620633439160644074
23.07.2021 18:45:48 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2575847521473632809
23.07.2021 11:00:39 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2596627771597810150
21.07.2021 23:40:48 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2615587916439548586
20.07.2021 11:00:15 Rewarding for 5% with memo 2620405447798189250
20.07.2021 11:00:12 1 000.00 viz delegation received from
20.07.2021 11:00:12 Delegation revoked from
20.07.2021 11:00:09 Created account , delegated 10.00 viz
Русский / English