

No account description

Created: 05.09.2020 05:01:09

Received awards: 2.34 viz

Public keys

Authority type Public key Weight / threshold
MasterVIZ63gT26VNScLFQmwfeAhNHJvqm9bbmVNfkXuVW2JLLjCurkDyTQ1 / 1
ActiveVIZ7W8LtXQYEe3ae6NqrDL7txBGBH3UNE8chZqEaPB1MhZAV928ph1 / 1
RegularVIZ5syzH1myACQkt3bWzHUJB8oxp1Z6Gj63vGAtjraaaRTKDcrJEs1 / 1


Capital (viz) Balance Energy (%)
11.36 8.10 100%


Witness: No

Votes for witnesses: None

Operation history

25.08.2021 04:56:06 0.10 viz received as a reward from
25.08.2021 04:56:06 Received a reward from for 2% with memo telegram:331787272
02.05.2021 10:07:33 1.66 viz received as a reward from
02.05.2021 10:07:33 Received a reward from for 1% with memo telegram:331787272
22.10.2020 05:45:21 0.11 viz received to social capital from
19.10.2020 01:23:03 Delegation revoked from
03.10.2020 14:14:15 Rewarding for 10% with memo telegram:807220074
01.10.2020 11:05:00 Rewarding for 10% with memo telegram:682377504
25.09.2020 19:12:09 0.10 viz received as a reward from
25.09.2020 19:12:09 Received a reward from for 2% with memo telegram:331787272
25.09.2020 06:13:06 0.31 viz received to social capital from
21.09.2020 03:50:45 Rewarding for 20% with memo telegram:938297195
20.09.2020 18:41:18 2.40 viz received to social capital from
19.09.2020 12:11:18 2.74 viz received to social capital from
19.09.2020 08:57:57 0.13 viz received as a reward from
19.09.2020 08:57:57 Received a reward from for 2% with memo telegram:331787272
19.09.2020 06:43:12 Rewarding for 20% with memo telegram:158452914
17.09.2020 15:55:03 0.36 viz received as a reward from
17.09.2020 15:55:03 Received a reward from for 6% with memo telegram:331787272
17.09.2020 10:31:12 3.47 viz received to social capital from
17.09.2020 09:54:18 Rewarding for 2% with memo telegram:682377504
13.09.2020 17:41:15 1.63 viz received from with memo withdraw:24616
13.09.2020 15:05:03 Rewarding for 1% with memo telegram:575990386
08.09.2020 14:21:15 1.75 viz received from with memo withdraw:23813
07.09.2020 18:56:33 Rewarding for 1% with memo telegram:548157734
07.09.2020 17:21:18 1.24 viz received from with memo withdraw:23720
06.09.2020 21:21:12 1.49 viz received from with memo withdraw:23567
06.09.2020 18:11:15 1.98 viz received from with memo withdraw:23492
05.09.2020 05:51:36 Rewarding for 2% with memo telegram:938297195
05.09.2020 05:01:09 1.00 viz delegation received from
05.09.2020 05:01:09 Created account , delegated 10.00 viz
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