

No account description

Created: 07.07.2022 06:21:09

Received awards: 12.21 viz

Public keys

Authority type Public key Weight / threshold
MasterVIZ6UZaongF1mUzqzm9rU5hW5pdbmmCLHtpfS9ii9fxRKdKPKaz8Y1 / 1
ActiveVIZ6WcJHhXcgJbK7YGxBTLYFRyejeVCaGUBSyJf3yig2SYJWe48it1 / 1
RegularVIZ7W2MoqT9n4SfhhHfDyGiWUp8zttv8UyK7YWF1L33aVCrSuFaC31 / 1


Capital (viz) Balance Energy (%)
97.41 0.00 100%


Witness: No

Votes for witnesses: None

Operation history

31.03.2023 14:24:06 0.13 viz received as a reward from
31.03.2023 14:24:06 Received a reward from for 10% with memo telegram:344632874
29.03.2023 12:59:03 Rewarding for 15% with memo telegram:387183185
29.03.2023 12:48:12 Rewarding for 5% with memo telegram:387183185
27.02.2023 13:42:51 Rewarding for 15% with memo telegram:164456162
27.02.2023 13:41:57 Rewarding for 5% with memo telegram:164456162
13.11.2022 11:08:30 Rewarding for 15% with memo telegram:164456162
31.10.2022 10:55:15 1.74 viz received to social capital from
31.10.2022 10:53:09 1.91 viz received to social capital from
28.10.2022 00:27:09 2.20 viz received to social capital from
15.10.2022 16:23:15 2.79 viz received to social capital from
12.10.2022 07:43:15 Rewarding for 5% with memo telegram:207514475
03.10.2022 07:19:15 1.11 viz received to social capital from
22.09.2022 05:53:12 2.61 viz received to social capital from
22.09.2022 05:49:15 1.82 viz received to social capital from
18.09.2022 05:43:09 4.13 viz received to social capital from
15.09.2022 19:29:12 2.67 viz received to social capital from
14.09.2022 05:24:15 1.31 viz received as a reward from
14.09.2022 05:24:15 Received a reward from for 1% with memo telegram:344632874
02.09.2022 11:13:09 1.77 viz received to social capital from
31.08.2022 14:55:39 Rewarding for 5% with memo channel:-1001646522182:198
24.08.2022 15:29:15 2.05 viz received to social capital from
19.08.2022 17:04:18 Delegation revoked from
17.08.2022 13:28:12 Rewarding for 15% with memo telegram:550536391
16.08.2022 15:58:00 Rewarding for 15% with memo telegram:387183185
12.08.2022 18:23:06 Rewarding for 15% with memo telegram:550536391
11.08.2022 17:25:12 1.40 viz received to social capital from
10.08.2022 17:37:06 1.07 viz received to social capital from
09.08.2022 13:49:36 Rewarding for 15% with memo telegram:147181844
07.08.2022 06:35:09 2.75 viz received to social capital from
05.08.2022 18:53:03 Rewarding for 6% with memo telegram:258039482
05.08.2022 12:53:09 1.83 viz received to social capital from
05.08.2022 03:59:09 1.30 viz received to social capital from
02.08.2022 20:47:06 1.11 viz received to social capital from
01.08.2022 18:17:06 1.10 viz received to social capital from
29.07.2022 05:57:12 1.56 viz received to social capital from
29.07.2022 05:51:12 1.35 viz received to social capital from
28.07.2022 07:52:51 Rewarding for 2% with memo telegram:506905881
27.07.2022 17:10:45 3.12 viz received as a reward from
27.07.2022 17:10:45 Received a reward from for 1.5% with memo telegram:344632874
27.07.2022 05:39:06 1.19 viz received to social capital from
26.07.2022 03:51:15 1.15 viz received to social capital from
25.07.2022 21:25:09 1.02 viz received to social capital from
25.07.2022 11:06:18 Rewarding for 8% with memo telegram:596231217
24.07.2022 16:57:09 1.23 viz received to social capital from
23.07.2022 17:18:39 Rewarding for 6% with memo telegram:971975567
23.07.2022 11:51:12 1.05 viz received to social capital from
23.07.2022 05:02:39 Rewarding for 6% with memo telegram:147181844
21.07.2022 14:27:30 1.49 viz received to social capital from
21.07.2022 05:41:12 1.16 viz received to social capital from
20.07.2022 20:32:27 Rewarding for 6% with memo telegram:220645703
18.07.2022 04:39:06 1.27 viz received to social capital from
17.07.2022 06:57:45 Rewarding for 2% with memo telegram:550536391
16.07.2022 03:56:39 Rewarding for 20% with memo chat:-1001207353120:86400
16.07.2022 03:41:09 1.24 viz received to social capital from
15.07.2022 20:29:12 1.16 viz received to social capital from
13.07.2022 14:10:00 Rewarding for 6% with memo telegram:1336098468
13.07.2022 10:55:12 2.13 viz received to social capital from
12.07.2022 17:01:36 Rewarding for 6% with memo telegram:1963894317
10.07.2022 16:23:06 0.38 viz received as a reward from
10.07.2022 16:23:06 Received a reward from for 1% with memo telegram:344632874
10.07.2022 04:33:12 2.45 viz received as a reward from
10.07.2022 04:33:12 Received a reward from for 1.5% with memo telegram:344632874
09.07.2022 07:41:03 0.76 viz received as a reward from
09.07.2022 07:41:03 Received a reward from for 1% with memo telegram:344632874
08.07.2022 19:23:39 0.35 viz received as a reward from
08.07.2022 19:23:39 Received a reward from for 1% with memo telegram:344632874
08.07.2022 19:11:09 3.70 viz received as a reward from
08.07.2022 19:11:09 Received a reward from for 2.5% with memo telegram:344632874
07.07.2022 20:01:12 1.58 viz received to social capital from
07.07.2022 08:40:15 Rewarding for 3% with memo telegram:1135562135
07.07.2022 06:26:21 31.27 viz received to social capital from
07.07.2022 06:21:12 1.00 viz delegation received from
07.07.2022 06:21:09 Created account , delegated 10.00 viz
Русский / English